Thursday, May 5, 2011

Joke week- Thursday

 What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man?
The PGA tour.

 What word starts with "N" and ends with "R" that you never want to call a black person?

 What do you call a bunch of white people running down a hill?
An avalanche.
What do you call a bunch of black people running down a hill?
A mudslide.
What do you call a bunch of mexicans running down a hill?
Prison break.

What do you call two blacks at a lunch?
Friends hanging out.
What do you call two mexicans at a lunch?
Friends hanging out.
What do you call two whites at a lunch?

What do you do when the lights go out and your tv starts floating?
Turn on the lights and shoot the black people

 How many white men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One, white men will screw anything.

 A black and a mexican are in a car. Who's driving?